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Q: What do Egyptian Muslims bring their religion into their daily lives?
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How do Egyptian Muslims bring religion into their daily lives?

By maintaining good morals, being honest in their sayings and doings, helping and supporting the poor, respecting other faiths and cultures, ... etc. All this are examples of what they learn through the Islam and prophet Muhammad (PBUH) teachings. Refer to questions below.

How does the religion of Muslims affects the daily life of the believer?

They have to pray five daily prayers and abstain from dishonest and sinful activity.

How was Islam persecuted?

The religion of Islam is persecuted on a daily basis by the media who wrongfully portray terrorists as Muslims and convince, people who don't know otherwise, that all Muslims are bad people.

How does Muslim belief in prophets influence the Muslim daily life?

how muslims belefs in prophets influences the daily of a muslims

What is one way religion has affected Egyptian daily life?

Egyptians are doing rituals, even sacrifices to pay respect and honor to their Gods in their daily life. This is because they believe that catastrophes and natural calamities are caused by the Gods.

How many daily prayers do Muslims have?

Five prayers.

Does ancient Egyptian religion still exist?

Yes, in some form. In the United States, several religious organizations including the House of Netjer ( and Neos Alexandria ( practice religion derived from ancient Egypt.

How were Muslims told to pray five times daily?

it is compulsory for every true beliver of Allah and prophet muhammed (P.b.h.) to engage in the five daily prayers because it is the only way that you will make god wipe away your sins and will bring you closer to god.

The number of times muslims are required to pray daily?

Muslims are required to pray 5 times a day

What religion does the text the Holy Quran come from?

The Holy Quran is the primary sacred text for Islam. It is revered by Muslims who daily recite sections from it and who spend many hours in childhood learning parts of it by heart.

How does religion affect the Egyptian daily life?

Egyptian daily life- If their heart was heavy with sin, the people could not pass on to the after life, so the egyptians tried to do very little sin. -The egyptians would perform scarifices and pray dailyI hope this helps, will improve answer when I find more information.(I'm doing a research project right now)(\__/)( O.o )C(")(")