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This varies but you could say that anything that does not follow the dharma could be considered a way to accumulate bad karma. The dharma is a universal law and a person's conscience does play a role, but each individual may have a different understanding of what the dharma means to them. In general though, being a good person means the same thing for a person of the Hindu faith as it does most other religions and the same can be said for what would be considered bad. Although some practice a form a total non violence in which they will not hurt even an insect and believe that to be part of the dharma. Others may follow a particular deity and listen to them on what is good and bad. Still others deprive themselves of anything pleasurable for periods of time and think that is following the dharma. Performing various forms of yoga is considered a way to see what is really bad and what is really good. There are many other forms of following the dharma so there it a lot of diversity in the Hindu faith.

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