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Food-Grade Diatomaceous Earth - it is a natural organic way to get rid of ticks, sprinkle over your lawn and wooded areas each time after you mow, it is non-toxic to pets and humans

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Q: What do I put on my lawn to get rid of ticks?
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Related questions

Does lime application to lawn help to rid of ticks?

Lime pellets will help with fleas and ticks in a lawn. The lime must be marked for "agricultural" or "hydrated" use, otherwise not enough moisture will be absorbed from the soil.

How do lions get rid of ticks?

lions do not get rid of their own ticks. a bird may pull them off.

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Who do you get rid of ticks on dogs?

You can get rid of ticks on dogs by using tweezers to gently pull them out. Care must be taken to remove the head to prevent infection.

What do you use to vacuum carpet with when you have ticks?

Pyrethrin is a good treatment for getting rid of ticks, although ticks fall off once theyve gorged on their host.

How can you get rid of sea ticks on a person?

high heat extermination

How do you get rid of night-crawlers in your lawn?

why would you want to get rid of night crawlers? they aerate your lawn and keep your grass green and healthy. theyre an essential part of the lawn ecosystem.

What are some ways to get rid of ticks?

Some ways to get rid of ticks include destroying tick habitats (grass and the yard), fence your yard, using safe pesticides, and to get a natural tick repellent.

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How do I get rid of my pony's ticks?

smother them in vasaline. they cant breath and drop off

How can one treat dog ticks without hurting the dog?

There are many great ways to rid your dogs of ticks. The most common way is to get Tick Shampoo to wash the Ticks off of animals without harming them.

How do you get rid of lawn?

Lawn moths are related to aphids and typically fly at night. You can get rid of them by using pesticide with acephate in liquid and granule forms by following directions on the pesticide.