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Q: What do I say when a girl ask what are you trying to do?
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Im shy and a girl trying to ask you out?

Just say I LOVE YOU

Why would a girl say that she was talking about you?

Cause she is wanting to get with your friend and is trying to get your opinion on it and how to ask them out.

How do i ask a girl i like out?

Get to know the girl and her personality and when the time comes you will know. She will be trying to be around all the time. When that happens BAM!!! Ask her out and the chances are she will say yes.

What do you ask a girl if you trying to get with her?

Get to know her, ask her questions.

Who is girl friend?

what are you trying to ask?

What should you say to a girl that is talking about me and trying to start drama?

Say Nothing. If she is trying to stir up drama, talking to her about it is unlikely to change her mind. Ignore her and ask your friends to do the same.

What is the best thing to say when trying to ask a girl out but you're nervous about it?

Be honest. Say that your a little nervous, and then ask her. Girls love honesty. If you're still to nervous then wait a while.

I dont get what he is trying to say?

then ask him

What do you say to a girl?

if your trying to get a girl to like you, you should say something nice, ask questions, and don't be rude.Say something like "What are three things that you like?" or" Ilike your..."Just be charming, and if this girl likes you, you two might be a couple in the end.

What happens if a girl thinks if you r trying to hit on her but your not?

Just say i am not Ever never ever going to like you. If that doesn't work ask a preffesional

How can you get a girl to be honest?

ask her questions and kind of trick her or accidentally say it like if you were trying to get her to be honest about something specific talk about that subject and she may blurt it out on accident or just ask her or you can ask her if she has anything she wants you to honest about and ounce you answer if you can ask her a question you want her to be honest about

If you ask a girl out and she doesnt like you but says yes?

If you ask a girl out and she doesn't like you but says yes she is probably trying not to hurt your feelings or he is trying to get another man or boy to notice her possibly a x boyfriend