

What do Jains believe?

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Q: What do Jains believe?
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Do jains believe in god?

Jains have different deities, the most important ones, being tirthankaras.

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Who believes in Jainism?

Jains believe in Jainism.

Do Jains believe in life after death?

yes, they believe in it. However their thoughts are much different about reincarnation.

If jains can't own property where do they live?

Jains do not harm or kill any life on Earth. Believe in always telling the truth, not stealing, and not owning protperty. They also believe in reincarnation, and Nirvana, and state of peace. to answer your question, jains live in rented houses or apartment houses for their whole life.

Do have jainism have a god?

Jains do not worship a Creator, but, believe in non-creator deities.

Are jainists vegetarians?

Jains believe in ahimsa, or nonviolence. To stop the cycle of reincarnation, Jains believe that they must follow the path of ahimsa. If they do not behave as their religion dictates, they believe that their next life could be as a lower animal. Thus they do not kill any animal because it could have been their ancestor, etc. But primarily, because they believe in preventing the suffering of all who feel pain.

Are there any vegetarians in Jainism?

The Jains do the believe in animal sacrifice, such as the ones the Brahmins preformed. Because they don't want to hurt any living creatures, Jains are vegetarians. They don't eat any food that comes from animals.

What do Jains call their god?

Jains call their god Tirthankar.

What are jainism people called?

They're called Jains.

What are the dietary restrictions for some Jainists and Buddhists?

Many Jains, as well as many Buddhists, are strict vegetarians. But while the Jain diet historically allowed dairy products, more recent practices have encouraged Jains to transition to a vegan diet. Most Buddhists, however, continue to believe that eating dairy products is acceptable, and they have not made a move towards veganism. It should be noted that neither Jains nor Buddhists believe that eating meat (or fish) is permitted.

Is digamber jains Buddhists?

Digamber Jains are not Buddhists. Digamber is a sect of Jainism.