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The Jewish Sabbath is a taste of heaven. Jews take a break for the demands of everyday living and take the time to enjoy and appreciate God's gifts. For example, we don't transact business or do things that remind us of work, we don't use money or light fire, and we come together to express gratitude to God and spend time with family.

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There are many ways to celebrate Shabbat, or the Sabbath. This is the more traditional way it's celebrated.

An observant family will have been to synagogue before the Shabbat meal (dinner) on Friday.

At sunset on Fridays (Jewish holidays begin at sunset the night before) the woman of an observant the household lights candles and recites a prayer. A large family meal which includes various prayers follows. The Shabbos table is set with a white table cloth and the best dishes. Candles, wine, and challah bread would be on the table, and are used to perform Shabbos prayers.

Under Jewish law, every Jew must eat three meals on Shabbat. One of the meals must include bread. Observant Jews will usually eat challah at the beginning of a the meal.

Since Shabbat is a day of rest, work is avoided to ensure that Shabbat is special, and apart from the rest of the week. It's a day to be calm and to take a break from ordinary life, and focus on family, community, and spiritual growth. All chores like shopping, cleaning, and cooking for Shabbat must be finished before sunset on Friday. People wear their best clothes for Shabbat. Saturday morning is spent in synagogue, after services families and friends spend time together. Many families have a festive lunch, and a pre-sundown dinner. Satuday evening is also spent in synagogue.

Shabbat is over on Saturday, about an hour after sunset, when three stars can be seen in the sky. At Shabbat's conclusion there is a brief ceremony called "Havdalah" (meaning separation). Havdalah can be recited in synagogue or at home. A prayer is said over a cup of wine, a large braided candle with more than one wick is lit, and a prayer is recited, a decorative box (called a besamim) containing sweet smelling spices is passed around so that everyone can smell the fragrance. Havdalah is meant to require a person to use all five senses: to taste the wine, smell the spices, see the flame of the candle and feel its heat, and hear the prayers. This ceremony marks the transition between holy and ordinary, light and dark, Shabbat and workweek.

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For non-Jews, there is no Torah-obligation to observe a day of rest. For Jews, the laws of Sabbath-observance are set forth in the Code of Jewish Law (Shulchan Arukh) and can be found online (see the attached Related Link).

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