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Kkk mean that, well ir racist.

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Q: What do KKK medallions mean to black people?
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Did the KKK steel things?

yeah, black people

What Was The Significance Of The KKK?

to kill black people..... no offence

Do KKK members hate Black people?

In general the KKK hate black Mexicans, some KKK members are okay with white Mexicans. So overall the KKK do hate Mexicans.

What is the meaning behind the KKK patch?

The meaning of the KKK patch is a group of people that don't like black people. They are usually in places were there are not many black people. I hope I answered your quetion!!!!!! :)

What was the method of the KKK?

Some of the methods of the KKK were violence and threats against black people and white republicans.

Does the KKK hold protests against Obama?

Well seeing as how the KKK hates black people, and Obama is 50% black person, that means they 50% protest him. I hate black people too. You should try it.

Why did the KKK become stronger?

they gained members of the kkk also they threatened black people by hanging, shooting and robbing them

Are the KKK people mean?

The Klu Klux Klan took black people and killed them, often hanging them. They wore these white suits head to toe with a symbol on it

What were the KKK's activities?

they used to attack, rape and kill black people

Is the KKK crazy?

no their very religious and LOVE black people!!!!!!!!! no their very religious and LOVE black people!!!!!!!!! like jesus did

Can you join the KKK?

yes you how did you join the kkk? and then it's a couple down and you can go to a website and join the kkk. (: happy searching

Was Obama in the KKK?

No, that's ridiculous. Since the KKK hates black people, it is unlikely that any black person would ever be accepted as member, nor would any black person want to be.