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The KKK thought that black voting shouldn't be allowed and tryed to stop it by harming them in many ways.

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Q: What do KKK think of blacks voting?
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Related questions

What was the name of the southern group that formed to discourage blacks from voting?

This group is called the Klu Klux Klan, otherwise known as the "KKK"

Did the KKK stop blacks from voting?

Yes, they stopped some. Others were brave enough to vote because the Constitution gave them the right,


The KKK is the Ku Klux Klan. They are a group of white (usually men) people that used to try to keep Blacks from voting. That was back around when Lincoln and Jackson were president. Blacks were so intimidated by them that once they did have the right to vote, htey never did.

How did southern states stop African Americans from voting?

they passed the poll tax, literacy tests, and grandfather clauses to prevent African Americans from voting. Also, the white southerners formed clans like the KKK to prevent blacks from voting.

Why did the KKK try to keep blacks from voting?

The Ku Klux Klan did not want newly freed Blacks to vote because they wanted to intimidate them and keep them from positions of power. The Ku Klux Klan used many methods of terror and harassment to intimidate Blacks, but in 1870 the Enforcement Acts were enacted to prevent this.

What did the KKK do to prevent African American from making political and economic progress?

They scared, shot and even killed some blacks who tried to vote. They would also chase off blacks who came near the voting ballots.

How did blacks vote for Warren G. Harding?

The correct count can only be guessed at as many Blacks were de facto barred from voting by such devices as Poll Taxes, which assumed certain minimum incomes. Also the influence of the KKK is not to be minimized.

What is the summary of the ku klux klan act of 1871?

-a felony to keep someone (blacks) from voting or running for office -the president could arrest people who were suspected of being in the kkk

Who were the first people the KKK attacked?


How did blacks avoid the KKK?

they ran away

How did KKK effect African Americans?

The KKK would use fear of them as a weapon against the black people. They would stop them from voting by waiting outside voting Boothe's and beating any black person who approached. They would burn the black sharecroppers harvest so they had no way of making a living and possibly die of starvation.

How does slavery and KKK go together?

Yes, the KKK wanted blacks to remain slaves. Violent upheavals occurred when blacks began to fight for their civil rights.