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Q: What do Michigan tree frogs like in their envirement?
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Where do Michigan tree frogs live?

Michigan tree froGs live in michigan..and in the trees...BAM!

Does it kill tree frogs if you hold it?

no, not tree frogs, but some other frogs can be like that

What is a tree frogs envioment?

tree frogs like to stay on trees. That last answer is false tree frogs like to stay in stand still water mostly

What species are green tree frogs?

a species is a collection of animals, like frogs or pandas or dogs, so the species of tree frogs would be frogs!

When tree frogs have babies who takes care of them?

no one I believe. like all frogs baby tree frogs fend for themselves

Are tree frogs in Alaska?

No. Tree frogs like a tropical climate. Alaska is far too cold for them.

What do tree frogs like to eat?


What kind of weather do tree frogs like?

They like HOT weather

Are there types of tree frogs?

Yes, infact there are many types of tree frogs like the red eyed tree frog, Australian white tree frog (the smiling frog) and poisoness ones too. (only the odd colored ones like blue red yellow ect.) And still if I typed them all out this would be like 10 pages long!!!!! there are loke 4,000 tree frogs out there or something like that.! :)

Do tree frogs eat bark?

No. Tree frogs eat insects. All frogs are carnivorous.

What do tree frogs depend on?

Tree frogs depend on fly 's , moths or smaller frogs.

Does red eye tree frogs have problems?

It's do red eye tree frogs have problems. But no, it is just their eye color. Just like you and me. Look it up.