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Little pimples on your areola. Do not pick at them, they will just get worse.

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Q: What do Montgomerys glands look like?
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What do glands look like in a man?

Human beings have lots of different types of glands, including sweat glands, salivary glands, thyroid glands, etc., and these have various different appearances although they are all inside the body and therefore are not very easily seen unless you are performing an autopsy.

Dog smells like metal from anus?

It's anal glands needs to be expressed, look it up.

What do you call a frog with 4 eyes?

The Colombian Four Eyed Frog actually has two eyes and two poison glands that look like eyes.When attacked it raises its rear end presenting it's poison glands to the predator.

Do platypuses have mammary glands?

Yes. Like all mammals, the platypus has mammary glands.

System of glands that regulate metabolism?

These are endocrine glands like adrenal, thyroid and pancreas.

What integumentary gland secretes an oil-like substance?

Sebaceous glands in the integumentary system secrete sebum, an oil-like substance. These are sometimes called oil glands. Sebaceous glands

What was Lucy maud Montgomerys favorite color and why?

Blue, because it reminded her of her birthplace , Prince Edward Island.

What is the location of mumps?

The mumps infect the parotid salivary glands. These are located right below the ear. People with the infection are said to look like chipmunks.

Where do the spider web silk come from?

Special glands in it's abdomen. Sometimes it look like the mouth but they just use the mandible's to weave it