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Q: What do Navajo people look like?
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What did Navajo clothing look like?

their clothing for bo

What is the symbolism of the Navajo dragon?

There is no tradition of any creature like a dragon among the Navajo people.

What is the culture of the Navajo?

Navajo culture, just like Germans have German culture and people in Japan have Japanese culture.

What did the Navajo houses look like?

the navajo lived in hogans mud sticks They were earthen houses - miranda did navajo report in 5th grade

How do Navajo people live?

Some are moderate and some are traditional (like hogans).

Who made the Navajo clothing?

Navajo clothing was fashioned and made by the Navajo females

Does Navajos look like Japanese?

Not really. They look closer to Tibetans, Evenki, Mongolian and other Native Siberian people. The Navajo language is thought to be in a family, the Na-Dene, that may be related to Yenisei. They are a people west of Lake Baikal. They also look a little like Navajo. There are some genetic links to people who may have started out long ago near the Amur river and lake Baikal in Siberia. Navajos could be distantly related to the Japanese but is it uncertain. Japanese are thought to be a mix of older Jomon culture people who may be related to the Ainu and the newer Yayoi people who brought rice growing culture and came from Korea and or Jiangsu. If you travel from Okinawa up to Hokkaido you see a large number of different "looks" among the Japanese (the idea that there is one Japanese "look" is a myth) but most do not look Navajo.

Who is spider women and who is spider man and why are they important to the Navajo people?

Spider woman is Jamey Lou and spider man is Peter Parker and the Navajo don't like them

Who used the Navajo language?

the Navajo people in Southwestern United States

What was the Navajo clouths were like?

what their clouths were like

What is the proper adjective for Navajo?

The proper adjective form for Navajo is Navajo, as in Navajo Nation, Navajo people, Navajo history, Navajo art, etc. An example sentence: We visited the Navajo display at the museum to see the Navajo jewelry.

How were the Inuit and the Algonquin alike?

It is not the Inuit that are very similar to the Navajo it is the Dene of the Northwest Territories in Canada. They share a similar language and customs and they do look very much like the same people.