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Food, water, shelter, and mates are the Big Four when it comes to competition. (Not always in that order).

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Q: What do Savannah animals compete for?
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Where do animals live and sleep in the savannah?

the Savannah animals sleep and like in shrubs and or grass

What animals compete with squirrels?

Two animals that compete with squirrels are rats and mice. They often live in the same areas and compete for food.

What are ten things animals compete for?

for very nice and pleasuring sex.

Is Savannah a rain forest?

Savannah is a city in Georgia USA, or the Savannah in Africa which are the plains on which the wild animals graze.

When the members of species compete what do they compete for?

Usually animals of the same species compete for mates { two males usually compete over one female.} Animals could compete over prey or vegetation too.

What material do plants and animals compete?

animals and plats compete over : food,space,sunlight,mates,

Can i see pictures of animals that live in the Savannah?

yes just go to google and click images and type in photos of savannah animals

What are three main things animals compete for in the rainforest?

land, Food and a mate are what animals compete for in the rain forest

What do animals animals compete with each other for?

Animals will usually compete for food, land or a mate but sometimes fight for dominance as many animals have a ranking system

What is the population of animals in the Savannah?

adout 2000000

What animals live in trees in the Savannah?

Are there even trees in the Savannah ? Please reply as soon as possible

What animals does the Gila Monster compete with?

The Gila monster has to compete for its food with a variety of animals. Because they eat things like lizards, frogs, and small mammals, they have to compete for food with animals like coyotes and birds of prey.