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Q: What do Stoichiometry calculations require?
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Why do we require numbers?

we need numbers to make a calculations

How is stoichiometry used to calculate energy released when a mass liquid freezes?

The mol is involved in many chemical calculations. And the molar mass mass is calculated from the chemical formula.

What is molar mass's role in reaction-stoichiometry?

Stoichiometry is based on the fact that chemical reactions occur in ratios of moles of all substances. The problem is that there is no device that directly measures moles. We do have a device to measure mass, so molar mass is used in stoichiometric calculations to give results which are measurable.

What are the two kinds of stoichiometry?

Stoichiometry is the calculation of the various products and reactants in chemical reactions. The two types are reaction stoichiometry and composition stoichiometry.

How can you identify a stoichiometry problem?

When a problem has a label "stoichiometry" on top of it.

What is an example of stoichiometry?

An example of stoichiometry is any chemical reaction. HCl+NaOH->NaCl+H2O may be an example of stoichiometry.

How do you measure with a stoichiometry?

Stoichiometry is not a method of measurement, it is a concept for the ratios of reactants and products.

What is the history of stoichiometry?

The word stoichiometry derives from two Greek words: stoicheion (meaning "element") and metron (meaning "measure"). Stoichiometry deals with calculations about the masses (sometimes volumes) of reactants and products involved in a chemical reaction. It is a very mathematical part of chemistry, so be prepared for lots of calculator use. Jeremias Benjaim Richter (1762-1807) was the first to lay down the principles of stoichiometry. In 1792 he wrote: "Die stöchyometrie(Stöchyometria) ist die Wissenschaft die quantitativen oder Massenverhältnisse zu messen, in welchen die chymischen Elemente gegen einander stehen." [Stoichiometry is the science of measuring the quantitative proportions or mass ratios in which chemical elements stand to one another.]

How do you Calculate pediatric calculations?

There are very many calculations dealing with paediatrics, which will require different kinds of calculation. Without more specific information, the question cannot be answered.

What is the formula you use to calculate drug calculations?

Which drug calculations? The toxic dose, the effective dose, the required dose, the metabolic halflife, the time since consuming and many more calculations require completely different formulae and data.