

What is the funnel web spiders diet?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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There are two very different kinds of Spiders that are commonly known as "funnel-web spiders." Some members the Hexathelidae can be very dangerous, and only one member of the Agelenidae might give medically significant bites to humans.

(1) Sydney Funnel-web spiders are known as highly aggressive and the second most deadly spiders in the world. They belong to the same Order as the tarantulas, and to the Family called the Hexathelidae. Within this Family, the genus Atrax and the somewhat less problematical genus Hadronyche. The Sydney Funnel-web spiders are members of Atrax. The Sydney funnel-web spiders occur only in that general part of Australia. The only Hexathelidae found in Europe are limited to Spain and Portugal.

(2) In all parts of the world (with the exclusion of those with very harsh climatic conditions such as the arctic) there are members of the Family Agelenidae. Out of all of these very ubiquitous spiders there is only one species that is alleged to give bites that can be medically significant. That is the Hobo Spider (Tegenaria agrestis). There are unconfirmed reports that its bites can produce necrotic lesions. Its name, "agrestis" is a public relations disaster because it has been misunderstood to mean "aggressive" although it actually means "of the fields."

The funnel-web spiders of the U.S., England, and other temperate regions are web-dwelling spiders that catch prey that happens to land on the broad expanses of their webs. The spiders lurk at the small end of the "funnel," and are rarely even seen because they stay concealed by preference and flee at the first sign of trouble. They are highly valuable members of the eco-system because they eat flies and other troublesome insects.

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15y ago
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10y ago

The Sydney funnel-web spider has the most fearsome reputation of all the spiders. Although this is a formidable spider, some of the facts have been exaggerated.

It is true that when threatened the Sydney funnel-web shows some aggressive behaviour, like rearing up and displaying their fangs. It is true that males have a tendency to wonder into backyards and often fall into Swimming Pools, where they can survive for hours. They may also sometimes get trapped in houses. It is also true that Sydney Funnel-web spiders have one of the most toxic venoms to humans of any other spider in the world.

However, it is not true that all bites from these funnel-web spiders are life threatening. The venom of the juvenile and the female Sydney funnel web spiders are much less toxic. People believe these spiders hunt people, chasing them down, jumping on them and biting vindictively. They also believe these spiders take up residence in people's homes. However these are just urban myths and completely untrue.

The Sydney Funnel-web Spider is a dark brown, or black colour and have finger-like spinnerets at the end of their bodies. These are the silk spinning organs used by the spider to create the elaborate funnel shaped webs. Males can be recognised by the large mating spur projecting from their second pair of legs. Males leave their burrow during the summer and autumn months to find females to mate with.

A Funnel-webs burrow is always found in a sheltered site, under logs, for example, or under rocks. Here they find a cool, yet humid climate, to which they are perfectly suited.

When prey, such as beetles, cockroaches, small lizards and snail, walks across the silken trip lines the spider has placed carefully round the out side of their burrow, the funnel-web will rush out at it, striking mercilessly. The spider then returns to the burrow with their prey and enjoy their meal.

Sydney Funnel-web spiders seek cover at dawn for two main reasons. Firstly the heat of the daytime will cause them to dehydrate severally, possibility leading to death. The second reason is to hide from their predators, such as birds or lizards, which only come out in daylight hours. As it is male of the species that tends to roam around at night, looking for a mate, it is often the male that is spotted by humans, in gardens or under rocks. It has even been known to find a Sydney funnel-web spider in a shoe that has been left outdoors.

There are many species of spider that are often confused with the Sydney Funnel-web spider, such as Mouse Spiders, Trapdoor Spiders and Black House Spiders. This means that people often believe they have seen a Funnel-web, when in actual fact they have not.

The Sydney Funnel-web Spider can be found south of the hunter river to the Illawarra region and west to the Blue Mountains in New South Wales. They are quite common and not considered venerable or endangered in any way. They are generally found in either urban areas or forests and are about 1.5 to 3.5 cm in length.

The bite of the Sydney Funnel-web spider is quite dangerous and needs first aid treatment immediately. The best action to take is the pressure bandage (immobilisation technique), the same as for snake bites. The victim then needs to be taken immediately to hospital and they will administrate the anti venom if necessary. The venom itself has a neurotoxin that attacks the nervous system, and in worst cases it can lead to death. However, there have been no recorded fatalities since the introduction of the antivenom.

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14y ago

Some Australian spiders are poisonous, and some bites can, at least in theory, be deadly.

It's only natural that you should want to know more about Australian venomous spiders before visiting the Australian Outback.

This page contains everything you need to know about our poisonous spiders.

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12y ago

Yes they can. A sydney funnel web spider has killed a child in 15 minutes. but can kill an adult in a couple of days.

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14y ago

One bite can kill a healthy human being in about a 30 min. .

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14y ago

Well, it doesn't really have a diet. Funnel web spiders eat snails, frogs, and insects.

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15y ago

Insects, spiders & rats.

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11y ago

Bug and snakes and deer

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13y ago

Baby Koalas and juvenile kangaroos.

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