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Q: What do Termites and Millipedes decompose?
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Are termites a consumer producer or decomposer?

termites are decompose-rs

What do termites decompose?

Because They are hungry

Is a termite and a millipede a consumer decomposer or producer?

Termites and millipedes are both decomposers.

What bugs help decompose stuff?

Um, termites decompose wood, flies decompose dead animals and waste, and worms decompose waste and turn it into dirt

How do millipedes and woodlice help in the process of decomposition?

Termites chew up solid wood and organisms in their guts digest this releasing the nutrients in the wood to the termites.

Is a centipede a decompose?

yes it is a decomposerNo, and a centipede isn't either. They are carnivores. Millipedes are decomposers.

What decomposers are their in Belize?

Decomposers found in the country of Belize are millipedes, termites, and different types of fungi. Other decomposers include velvet worms and snails.

What eats fallen leaves?

Fallen leaves are considered to be detritus. Organisms that eat detritus include snails, millipedes, worms, termites, ants, bacteria, and fungi.

What animals that you can find in rotten log?

The animals are:Centipedes, millipedes, Bark beetles, Click beetles, Wood borers, Termites, Carpenter Ants, Spiders, Snails etc.

What are the eating habits of a yellow spotted tropical night lizard?

Their diet consists of mostly small invertebrates. These include spiders, ants, millipedes, centipedes, crickets, and termites.

What animals are decompose?

A decomposer will have sex withu

What is the tropical rainforest decomposers?

earthworm, fungi, moss, that kind of stuff