

What do Wiccans need to know about herbs?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Not all Wiccans work with plants or herbs, however...

IF they are working with herbs for healing, they need to know medical properties, constituents, toxicity, appropriate dosages, counter-indicatives, and interactions.

IF they are working with herbs Magically, they need to know gender, planetary associations, magical properties, substitutions and cautionaries.

IF they grow herbs in their garden, they need to know, zone, propagation, light & water requirements, harvesting, drying and storing. Not to mention companion plants, general gardening information and cautionaries.

If they use herbs for culinary purposes, they need to know, scent, taste, combinations, and general cooking techniques.

This is just a start of SOME of the things one needs to know IF they are working with herbs. Not all practitioners do work with herbs and/orplants, for them, all they need to know is what anyone needs to know. Can I eat it, does it smell nice, is it pretty or is it useful.

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