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The sound of a 90 year-old climaxing.

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Q: What do a eastern tiger salamander sound like?
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What are tiger salamander babies like?

See link for some images.

Where did the name Tiger salamander come from?

I guess they look like tigers ?

What does an Eastern Mud Salamander eat?

Eastern Salamanders eat other little things like Dust mites but outside.

What are tiger salamander babies called?

What are salamanders call when their babies

Why conserve tiger salamanders?

This is because conserving animals like the tiger salamander helps the food cycle and helps the environment. It also shows you care about the world and animals.

Do you really know what dinosaurs sound like?

they sound all grally like a tiger or a lion

How can you write a letter to friend about the tiger where you saw in the zoo?

You describe the tiger -- what did it look like, sound like, smell like? Describe your emotions as you saw the tiger.

Does tiger have a short e sound?

Yes, the word "tiger" has a short e sound similar to the "i" sound in the word "it."

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What does combustion sound like?

combustion sounds like a tiger have trapped gas

What does a dead salamander look like?

Looks like a sleeping salamander

What kind of salamander is black with a gold stripe down its back?

Tiger Salamander. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tiger salamanders are striped like a real tiger. The black with bright gold/yellow spots on their backs are called ' Ambystoma Maculatum' You can find details about them by searching them by name. They live all over the USA. and in other places as well.