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Assuming you mean prokaryotic cells... Many viruses replicate use DNA or RNA in their genetic structure. Prokaryotic cells replicate by translating their DNA into RNA and then transferring it back into DNA. Many viruses hook into this system and use the prokaryotic replication to make copies of their own DNA or RNA.

Otherwise, many viruses replicate within prokaryotic cells in a parasitic relationship, using the genetic material, energy and parts of the cell to replicate their own genetic material and multiply or just to hide until they are ready to replicate.

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11y ago

what does a eukaryotic cell and a virus have in common

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11y ago

Nucleic acid, some proteins, and ability to reproduce. These similarities are also present in eukaryotes.

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11y ago

Both can be pathogenic (disease causing) and both elicit an immune response,

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14y ago

Neither have a membrane-bound nucleus.

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They do not have, anything in common.

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Q: What do a virus and a prokaryotic cell have in common?
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What does a cell and virus have in common?

What a cell and a virus have in common is the RNA or DNA. The virus can be either a RNA virus or a DNA virus.

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A Eukaryotic Cell MUST contain a nucleus. A Prokaryotic Cell MUST NOT have a nucleus. A non-cell would be a virus.

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There is no "best" example because any one prokaryotic cell is equally prokaryotic as the next. The most common example would probably be E. coli.

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Thousands of viruses can fill one cell, either eurokaryotic of prokaryotic.

What type of cell can rapidly change and lacks a nucleus?

prokaryotic cells most likely bacteria or virus, etc.

Cells that dont have a nucleus?

virus??? Prokariotic cells, as bacteria, etc.

What type of cell is bacteria?

Bacteria are prokaryotic cells, meaning they lack a true nucleus and other organelles commonly found in eukaryotic cells. They are single-celled organisms that can be found in various environments and play important roles in ecosystems.

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A prokaryotic cell (e.g. a bacterial cell).