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Q: What do acids in food and drink taste like?
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Tang is one example, the instant orange drink has a space food origin

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the acids in your stomack burn the food in to a solid and if you drink something like water, juice,etc it messes up the acids and it dont work right :)

How does acids taste like?

Acids are generally sour. However, tasting chemicals is not recommended.

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Do acids taste sour?

only citric acids taste sour others just burn

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Protein and esential fatty acids that are good unsaturated source

What doas 'having no flavor' mean?

it means that it food/drink has no taste, so it tastes like you have bitten/drunk solid/liquid air. apparently, water 'has no taste'... amybe that's why I dont like it lol:D

Do bases have a sour taste?

all bases taste bitter Thomas To be more accurate, the taste of a base is bitter, but also the taste of an acid is sour, and a salt, salty. :D -Wasp04. ZD

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Because they like the taste why else would they drink it

How does acid rain taste like?

Sour, since all acids are sour.

Why does sour candy not taste like salt?

Sour candy does not taste like salt because the candy uses acids to make it sour, not salt.

What is the proper way to taste food while cooking?

the proper way to taste food while cooking is to savor the taste and to try to understand what the taste is in your mouth, if you like or you dont like it