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lungs maybe? -____-

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Q: What do adult frogs have that allows them to breathe air?
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How do frogs breathe out air from lungs?

Actually frogs dont breathe from their lungs. They have lungs but they don't use them because their skin is so thin that they can breathe from it.

What do frogs use to breathe?

Frogs have lungs just like you do. Tadpoles, however, have internal gills until they turn into frogs. Frogs breathe by pulsing their throat to suck air into and out of their lungs.

How do frogs ventilate their lungs?

Frogs breathe just like humans, taking in air through their mouths and exhaling it. They are also able to breathe through their skin.

Frogs can breathe air through their skins true or false?


What is unusual about how frogs breathe?

Frogs do not have a diaphragm so they use their throats to pump air into their lungs. This is most noticable when they are croaking.

Are there frogs in space?

no. unless they can breathe when there is no air.... they would have to have a frog space suit! ☺ otherwise, no. frogs don'tlive in space.

How do bettas breathe?

Betta fish breathe air....yes... that's right... they breathe air. They breathe air because they have an organ by their gills that is called the Labyrinth's Organ which allows them to breathe air. They breathe air by coming up to the surface of the water. Then they gather air in their mouths and hold their breath underwater.

What does a lungs do?

Frogs are amphibians. Meaning that they have an aquatic early stage (e.g. Tadpole). A tadpole relies mainly on gills to breath, until it undergoes metamorphosis, loses its gills, and gains lungs. Adult frogs rely mainly on lungs to breathe air, and are also able to breathe through their skin both above water and underwater.

Which are two aquatic animals that breathe through lungs?

Fish, some crustaceans, and amphibians (only in the larval stage, e.g. tadpoles).

What does a frog's lung do?

Frogs are amphibians. Meaning that they have an aquatic early stage (e.g. Tadpole). A tadpole relies mainly on gills to breath, until it undergoes metamorphosis, loses its gills, and gains lungs. Adult frogs rely mainly on lungs to breathe air, and are also able to breathe through their skin both above water and underwater.

Does iguanas have lungs or gills?

No. They are air breathing reptiles who have to surface to breathe.

What are two ways that amphibians breathe?

Young frogs, or tadpoles, breathe underwater using gills. Then they grow lungs and lose their gills. As adults, they breathe air using their lungs.