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Q: What do all physical forms of water make up?
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All rivers have a source which id the beginning of the river

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Is water a chemical reaction or a physical reaction?

Water is not a reaction at all. If you mean to ask if a state change in water is chemical or physical, it is physical.

How does physical state of water affect the water cycle?

Water exists in all physical states. Water exist as vapors, snow and droplets.

Is the weather a concrete noun?

The word "ice" is a concrete noun. A concrete noun is a word for something that can be experienced by any of the five physical senses; something that can be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched.All forms of water are concrete nouns because water is made up of the physical elements hydrogen and oxygen; ice, water, and steam or vapor are physical things.

What two physical properties are shared by all forms of matter?

Mass and thermodynamic temperature.

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What are all the forms of water that fall on the earth?


What is the physical form in which a substance can exist solid liqiud gas or plasma?

Solids, liquids, gases, and plasmas are all physical forms. Consider ice, water, and steam: you can see and feel all three states of H2O. If refering to a state in which the substance does not change shapes, it would be a solid.

Is boiling water for tea a chemical or physical change?

This is a physical change. Water can take on 3 forms, ice, gas, and liquid. These would be changes in state. Tearing, scratching, crushing, change in state, are all physical changes. Chemical changes must change the substance, not just the appearance. (i.e. Burning fire into ashes, fireworks exploding...)