

What do amoebas lack?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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Q: What do amoebas lack?
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Amoebas are unicellular consumers that lack complex organ systems and are found in damp environments To what kingdom do they belong?

Amoebas belong to the Kingdom Protista. They are animal-like unicellular organisms.

Amoebas are classified as?

Amoebas are classified as protists.

Why has bacteria only one chromosome but amoeba has several?

Because amoebas are more advanced in their design then bacteria, therefore they need the chromosomes to encode that information. Examples are like how amoebas have membrane bound nucleus and many organelles, in contrast bacteria lack these things. Also amoebas are much larger in size. However amoebas have many very small chromosomes, while bacteria have one larger one. So the amount of information on each chromosome is also in large contast

Why do amoebas live?

Amoebas live because god made them.

What kingdom does the ambea belong?

Amoebas belong to the kingdom Protista. They are single-celled organisms that lack a definite shape and are classified based on their movement and feeding habits.

What taxes do amoebas have?

Amoebas have taxes similar to speed or direction of movement

Do amoeba have cell walls of cellouse?

No, amoebas do not have cell walls made of cellulose. They belong to a group of organisms known as protozoa, which generally lack cell walls or have flexible cell membranes. Cellulose cell walls are more commonly found in plants and some algae.

How do amoebas reproduce asexually?

Amoebas reproduce asexually by means of binary fission.

Do amoebas have vacuoles?

Yes, amoebas do have cell membranes

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How are forams different from amoebas?

Amoebas do not grow any hard calcareous shells while Foraminifera do.