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Most aquatic arthropods have external gills

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Q: What do aquatic arthropods exchange gases through?
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Do aquatic arthropods exchange gases through a tracheal tubes b gills c their exoskeleton d book lungs?

Aquatic arthropods mostly exchange gases through (c) gills; some (like the horseshoe crabs) have book gills. The "book lungs" term usually applies to most arachnids like scorpions and spiders, which are terrestrial; most other terrestrial arthropods exchange gases through special holes in their segments called spiracles, attached to the tracheal tubules/tracheola which connect directly to the tissues.

What is a filamentous organ that allows for the exchange of gases underwater?

A gill is a filamentous organ specialized for the exchange of gases underwater. Some aquatic animals have gills that are adapted in such a way so as to allow them to breathe out of the water.

How do plants exchange gases?

Through stomata and lenticells

The primary function of external gills in aquatic animals is to do what?

The primary function of external gills in aquatic animals is to exchanges gases. However, gas exchange is more difficult with external gills.

During respiration the exchange of gases takes place through the walls of the what?

During respiration the exchange of gases takes place through the walls of the alveoli. From there, the oxygen is taken by the blood to the body tissues.

The exchange of respiratory gases in a cell takes place through the?

the lungs

How does shark exchange gases?

Like all fish- through their gills.

How does exchange of gases takes place in plants?

exchange of gases respiration and photosynthesis takes place through stem of the plant, the stem is green enough to carry the property of leaves, as in normal plants.. while exchange of gases in huge tree trunks takes place through lenticels, which are present in barks of the trunks... exchange of gases-respiration and photosynthesis- takes place through stem of the plant, the stem is green enough to carry the property of leaves, as in normal plants.. while exchange of gases in huge tree trunks takes place through lenticels, which are present in barks of the trunks...

The thin moist membrane through which humans exchange gases is found in the what?


Specialized passages through the cuticle that enable plants to exchange gases?


How does the exchange of different gases takes place in the human body?

through respiration

How do guard cells regulate the exchange of gases between a leaf and the air?

The guard cells regulate the exchange of gases between the leaf and air through the use of openings called stomatal pores.