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It means to fix/do my room.

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Q: What do arreglar mi cuarto mean in spanish?
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How do you say clean my room in spanish?

Limpia mi cuarto/habitacion (informal) Limpie mi cuarto/habitacion (more polite)

What does to make the bed mean in spanish?

Todos los días tiendo mi cama."Hago mi cama todos los días."

What does mi cuarto nuevo mean?

My new room.

How do you say my room was beautiful in spanish?

Translation: Mi cuarto era bonito.

What does en mi cuarto hay una cama mean?

"En mi cuarto hay una cama" significa "There's a bed in my room."

How do you say i find stuff in my room in spanish?

Translation: Encuentro cosas en mi cuarto

How do you say my dad is Spanish in Spanish?

the answer is mi papa

What does mi sala mean in Spanish?

My room. "La sala" is usually thought of as a living room, lounge, parlor, or waiting room. Usually, when you speak of "my room", you would mean your own bedroom, so "mi habitación", or "mi cuarto" would be more common.

How to say i generally study in my room in spanish?

Yo estudio en mi cuarto (Dormitorio) la mayoría del tiempo.

How do you say I am cleaning my apartment in spanish?

"I'm cleaning my room" in Spanish is "Estoy limpiando mi cuarto". It is pronounced "eh-STOY leem-pee-AHN-doe me QUAR-toe". Please see this site for confirmation of the translation:

What does ven a mi cuarto y te lo doy mean in English?

" look into my room and I'll give" is what that means

What does do mi mean in English?

mi in spanish means my