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Q: What do astronauts do to prepare for space travels?
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Who travels in space?


Who travels in a space ship?

An astronaut. Even though no human has ever ventured beyond the Moon.

Why did rockets that travels in outer space carry oxygen with them?

So that the astronauts on board can breath, of course. :)

What conditions must astronauts prepare for when traveling to space?

No one being able to hear them scream.

What do you call the meaning of the word for a person who travels in space?

The dictionary definition is astronaut! Here is the meaning of the word. An astronaut is a person who goes into space. Astronauts travel in spaceships. Some astronauts have walked on the moon.

How do you spell astronauts?

ASTRONAUT : one who travels in space (also, cosmonaut, the Russian term)

Are astronauts and astronomers the same?

As astronaut travels into outer space and some have been killed doing so. Most astronomers stay on the planet Earth and look up into space. There have been astronauts who are astronomers, but, most astronomers are not astronauts. There have been tens of millions of astronomers looking up at outer space, but, only a few hundred astronauts. No, they are not the same.

How are astronauts aboard the International Space Station ISS helping scientists prepare for a human mission to Mars?

they train

What types of astronauts are there on a space mission?

trained space astronauts

Astronauts are--who fly in space?

Astronauts are people who fly in space

How do astronauts prepare there food?

they dry it out

What do Astronauts do on space station?

The astronauts can float in the