

What do black axolotl eggs look like?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What do black axolotl eggs look like?
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What do axolotls eggs look like?

They are, in fact, very similar to Frog Spawn and are generally laid upon plants. They look like Brown/Black 'dots' coated with a clear membrane - though a lack of pigment in the egg would suggest that one parent was an Albino Axolotl. Sometimes, though, pigment appears later in the development.

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Frogs lay their eggs in large clusters so, it will look like a big ball made up of a bunch of smaller balls. The eggs will be clear, but if they are fertilized then they will be clear with a tiny black tadpole in the middle that will eventually take over the whole egg, then they'll be entirely black ( it's really the tadpole)

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those are ladybug eggs! be sure to leave them to hatch, they are an organic aphid control! the young ladybugs will look like black alligators before they mature into the classic ladybug look.

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They look like deer scats

What do eggs look like?

Eggs are white on the outside with a orange center