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to pump blood

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Q: What do both frogs and human use their hearts for?
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How is the frog's pancreas like a human's pancreas?

The pancreas of both the frog and the human produces a variety of digestive enzymes as well as hormones. However, the insulin produced by the frog is noticeably dissimilar from that produced by humans, so you can't use frog insulin for humans.

How does the location of a frogs teeth and a human's teeth differ?

Human teeth are use for chewing and grabbing. Frogs have teeth on the top of their jaw. Frog teeth are use mainly to hold the prey.

How is frog reproduction similar to a human reproductions?

== == Frog's reproductive organs are on the inside as where humans' are on the outside. Frogs have white hearts and humans' have red hearts. You can see a frog's esophagus through it's mouth and in a human's you can't. They are also different in size, obviously and shape too.

Why do we use sheep's heart for the examination?

As it is similar in structure to human hearts and they are readily available whereas most humans are buried with their hearts.

How can you help take care of a frogs habitat?

The biggest threat to frogs is pollution. Avoiding the use of chemicals such as pesticides keeps them out of the frog's habitat, and lets frogs stay healthy. Also, protecting their habitat from human construction is important. If you have a yard, you can grow plants and create ponds to be a habitat for frogs.

Why use the pig's heart in dissecting?

probably because the "pigs" or "calf" heart is almost like the humans heart so they use heart almost or close to the human heart or maybe because the assignment says to use that specific heart "what I know from past studies is that the pig and calf is the same or almost exactly how the human heart is" hope that answered your question

What are the differences between a frog and a human?

Humans use lungs only, Frogs can "breathe" through their thin moist skin, through gills, and lungs

Do frogs and or toads have vocal sacs?

It allows the frog to croak.they use it to croakcollonly males have a vocal sac that use it. They use it for a love call to the female and to threaten off other animals.

Can the human body use both L and D amino acids?


How are a frogs coloring helpful list 2 ways?

Some frogs use it for camoflage.

How is the body of a tuna the same as the body of a human?

They both use bilateral symmetry

What do frogs use as skin?

Frogs obviousl have skin. its just very very warty and bumpy :)