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Q: What do branching corals eat?
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Does corals eat zooxanthellae?

No corals doesn't eat zooxanthellae they only eat zooplankton. Zooxanthallae helps corals to live and keeps corals colourful.They live on the coral polyps.

What do corals eat?

Corals eat plankton.

How old does a coral get?

Corals don't really die, they can reproduce asexually though budding and branching, and sexually, but the original corals don't seem to ever die of "old age"

What do straghorn corals eat?

They eat zooplankton

How and when do corals eat?

Corals actually don't eat anything . But it is the symbiotic algae which lives in it and produces food for it photosynthetically.

What are 4 type of corals?

Hard corals (Scleractinia) - reef-building corals that create calcium carbonate skeletons. Soft corals (Alcyonacea) - lack stony skeletons and have a flexible, fleshy appearance. Brain corals (Family: Mussidae) - named for their distinctive brain-like appearance. Staghorn corals (Genus: Acropora) - characterized by their branching, antler-like growth forms.

How do starfish destruct corals?

They eat them.

How do corals eat and when do they eat?

on the chrissy holidays when they are munging for a chew

Animals eat Corals?

yes, the parrot fish does

What do blow fish eat?

Blow fish eat corals,smallfish,insects.

Are all corals carnivorous?

Yes, all corals are carnivorous and are considered second consumers in the food chain. Some corals go after microscopic food while others can grow big enough to eat things like crabs.

What type of corals grow in branches?

Two types of coral that exhibit branching are fan coal and finger coral. Fan Coral: comes in many colors, has soft finger- like branching that is rounded at the ends. Finger Coral: distictively gray growing in thick colonies.