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I have never been able to feel my membranes bulging. I have had doctors and nurses tell me they are bulging, but I felt nothing. Water breaking does not cause me any pain, just makes a mess. Even when the doctors artificially rupture them. When I dilate I feel a sharp pain in the cervix, and sometimes it can feel like a menstrual cramp. However there are some people that do not feel any dilating until they reach 4 to 5 cm. sometimes you body can do it slowly to where it can be painless.

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Q: What do bulging membranes during dilation feel like?
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keep trying that's all you can do. My frenid could feel when she was ovulating on her good side and she was able to get pregnant get in tuned with your body and know what the different feelings are around the time you ovulate and maybe you can zoom in on when to try. good luck ♥ Was this answer helpful?

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