

What do cacti eat?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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Cactie absorb the sunlight to eat.

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Q: What do cacti eat?
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Can mealworms eat cacti in the desert?

Mealworms do not eat cacti.

Can mealworms eat cacti in the Sahara Desert?

No, mealworms do not eat cacti and cacti do not occur naturally in the Sahara. Cacti are natives to American deserts.

Do snakes eat cacti?

No .No, lizards do not eat cactus.

What animals eat cacti in the desert?

The desert tortoise, javelina and deer will eat prickly pear cacti.

Does the fennec fox eat cacti?

No, cacti are natives of the Americas and the fennec is from Africa.

What consumers eat cacti?

Nopales, also known as prickly pear cactus pads, are commonly consumed by consumers in Mexico and other Latin American countries. They are often cooked and used in salads, tacos, soups, and other dishes due to their unique flavor and nutritional benefits. Additionally, certain species of cacti produce edible fruits, such as the pitaya or dragon fruit, which are popular in various parts of the world.

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Can camels eat cacti?

yes, but they don't like them and cacti grow in S America, there are no camels there.

What type of animal eats cacti?

Javalina, deer, rabbits and others munch on cacti. Various birds eat the fruit of the saguaro and prickly pear.Javalina, deers, rabbits and humans eat cacti. Various birds eat the fruit of the saguaro and prickly pear. Insects and small animals pollinates the cacti sometimes.

What desert animal eats cacti?

In the United States, javelina and deer will eat prickly pear cacti. Some insects and a few rodents as well as the desert tortoise may dine on cacti.I do not know of any animals that eat cacti, on account of their spines, however, some bats, bees, and probably butterflies eat cactus nectar, and various animals may eat their fruit. Humans, however, do eat edible cacti, because they can cut off the spines. An example of an edible cacti is the prickly pear cactus.Deer and rabbits eat the cactus flowerbuds...

Do fennec foxes eat cactus?

No, cacti are natives of the Americas and the fennec is from Africa.

Can people eat desert cactus?

Cacti are producers! Producers are plants and plants do not 'eat' other plants.