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The entire Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is revered to as a celebration. The main celebration is the liturgy of the Eucharist in which we believe that the bread and wine bolth truly and fully become the body blood soul and divinity of Jesus Christ. I'm not entirely sure why it is called a celebration. I'd be celebrating if I could actually receive God every day. Which I do, pretty great isn't it.

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12y ago
Roman Catholic AnswerThe Mass is the re-presentation of Our Blessed Lord's death on Calvary, and His giving us the graces that stem from that. It is always a re-enactment of the Last Supper. What we celebrate at every Mass is Our Blessed Lord, and His great love for us.
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You are being redundant. Catholics are theoriginal Christian Church. Catholics celebrate Mass every day of the year with the exception of Good Friday. At any given moment a Mass is being said somewhere in the world.

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Every sunday.Another Answer:Some Catholics go for mass every day, where as it is an obligation to go to mass on the Sabbath.

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