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Q: What do children learn by copying their parents and grandparents?
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How did Zu Chongzhi learn math?

he learned it from his parents and grandparents .

Why do you have grandparents?

Every person born has 2 parents. Your parent's parents are your grandparents. Your grandparents also had parents-- their parents are your great-grandparents. Your great-grandparents had parents, who are your great-great grandparents. You can keep tracing your genealogy backward to learn each generation who were parents in your direct family line-- people who are your great, great-great, great-great-great grandparents and so on back through the centuries.

Do children learn though imitation?

Yes, children learn through imitation by observing and copying the behavior of others, especially parents and caregivers. This process helps them acquire language, social skills, and other abilities important for their development.

How do you get your parents to be mean to their parents?

Every generation feels some anger toward their parents. It's true! However, adults learn to settle differences and try to talk things out. Wanting your parents to be mean to their parents (your grandparents) sounds like you are angry about something your grandparents did or didn't do. It'd be much better to talk it out with your grandparents but in a respectful, caring manner.

Do children become prejudice from their parents?

Yes, children can learn to be prejudice from one or both of their parents or, they can also learn it from one friend or a group of friends in school.

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What are some things a chimpanzee does for or teaches its young?

As with most children, baby chimpanzees will learn much from copying/mimicking their mothers.

What Factors influence the roles and behavior in young people?

They imitate behaviors and learn morals of those who they are around the most and those who raise them, be it their parents, grandparents, or caregivers. Live correctly and live the way you want your children to live. EX: If you yell, they yell. If you speak nicely, they learn to speak nicely and learn respect.

How do you learn to speak?

You can learn to speak by listening to others, practicing speaking yourself, and getting feedback from others. It's important to start with basic vocabulary and grammar, then gradually work on more complex sentences and conversations. Immersing yourself in the language by surrounding yourself with native speakers or media can also help improve your speaking skills.

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Children learn best by observing behavior of adults coping it?

yup! they do. they do what they see.. b'cuz the observing, and then copying skills of children is very good, specially in their growing ages.

When will adults learn that children are right sometimes?

Some parents may need to lose some control issues over their children, at the appropriate age involved with those children. That is a hard lesson to learn for some parents.