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Each chromosome makes a copy

The homologous chromosomes form pairs.

Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell.

Chromosomes condense or shorten up before cell division begins

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12y ago

Meiosis is the special process that creates the sex cells - with only 23 single chromosomes intead of 23 pairs.

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Q: What do chromosomes and meiosis have to do with each other?
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How many chromosomes will be in each cell after meiosis is completed?

Twenty three chromosomes will be in each cell after meiosis is completed.

If a cell with 40 chromosomes undergoes mitosis each of the daughter cells will have chromosomes.?

Meiosis results in gametes that have half the number of chromosomes of other cells. A gamete carries one of each pair of homologous chromosomes. Their are 46 chromosoes in Meiosis I and 23 in Meiosis II.

What happened to each chromosomes?


What is the other name of the reduction division that separates two homologous chromosomes from each other?


If a cell of an organism has 46 chromosomes before meiosis how many chromosomes will exist in each nucleus after meiosis?


If Eukaryote cell has 20 chrosomes and undergoes meiosis what is the resulting number of cells and chromosomes?

2 cells and twenty chromatids each (or twenty half-chromosomes each), but I'm not sure for the human sex cells (meiosis) if they are the same for all the other cells in the body (mitosis). If eukaryotic cell having 20 chromosomes undergoes meiosis four cells will be formed, each having 10 chromosomes. This happens because in meiosis I, pairing between homologous chromosomes takes place and each chromosome from this pair gets separated to the opposite pole resulting into reduction of chromosome by half their original number. From these two haploid cell of meiosis I, meiosis second further divides each of these two cells to two by mitosis. Thus, four cells with 10 chromosomes each are formed.

How do the chromosomes become different from eachotther in meiosis?

The chromosomes become different from each other due to crossing over which occurs during prophase I.

How many chromosomes would a cell have during metaphase 1 of meiosis if it has 12 chromosomes during interphase?

Meiosis is known as a reduction division. The total number of chromosomes present prior to meiosis is reduced in half at the end of meiosis. In this case 12 pairs of chromosomes before meiosis (a total of 24 chromosomes) becomes 12 chromosomes (one of each pair) at the end of meiosis.

How many chromosomes are in each daughter cell following meiosis you?

there should be 23 chromosomes in each daughter.

How many chromosomes does each parent have in meiosis?


What diminishes or becomes less in meiosis?

The amount of chromosomes diminishes in meiosis. meiosis produces sex cells, and each of these sex cells has only 23 chromosomes. Each parents provides 23 chromosomes, that's why some people look like both their mother and their father. Each regular body cell has 46 chromosomes.

What happen to chromosomes during meiosis?

half of each parents' chromosomes go to the offspring