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Q: What do concentric circles on topographic maps indicate?
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How are hills mountains represented on a topographic map?

hills and mountains are represented by circles on topographic maps.

How are hills represented on a topographic map?

hills and mountains are represented by circles on topographic maps.

What maps are similar to topographic maps?

Topographic maps

On topographic maps contour lines that are far apart indicate?

They show a narrow area

On topographic maps contour lines that are farther apaart indicate?

Flat (gently sloped)

On topographic maps contour lines that are farther apart indicate .?

gentle slopes

What kind of map show is different levels of elevation?

Contour lines show elevation differences on topographic maps. On other maps, a coloured grid can show changes in elevation (these are called digital elevation models or DEMs).

Which of the maps show the three dimensions of earths surface?

Topographic map

How Do Topographic Maps Differ From Relief Maps?

On a topographic map, elevation is represented by countour lines, which is two lines that connect without intersecting. Relief is also shown by contour lines but also with a variety of other methods, such as shades and colors.

What are some GOOD facts about topographic maps?

topographic maps have contour lines that show a specific place...

How would topographic maps of urban areas differ from topographic maps of suburban and rural areas?

i dont learn

What is the relevance of a topographic map to tourism?

Unlike road maps, which might indicate only the twists and turns of roads, a topographic map can show which roads and trails have extensive differences in elevation, and therefore greater difficulty in travelling.