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Q: What do congressional leaders form when they want to take up an issue that falls between the jurisdiction fo existing committees to highlight an issue or to investigate a particular problem?
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What is a congressional committee appointed specifically to investigate a particular scandal called?

The name for a committee formed temporarily for a specific task is an ad hoc committee.

How is jurisdiction related to an ombudsman?

An ombudsman, like any other official, is restricted to the jurisdiction for which he or she is appointed. This could be a restriction in terms of geography (where, for example, the ombudsman is appointed to investigate in a particular city) or in terms of the subject matter of the investigations (where, for example, such an ombudsman is appointed expressly to investigate problems with human rights abuses or with landlord-tenant relations). In either case, the ombudsman may not investigate beyond his or her jurisdiction.

What agency or department is likely to have strong allies from a group of particular states in Congress?

Those in the iron triangle are likely to have strong allies from a particular state in congress. It is made of congressional committees, bureaucracy and interest groups.

Who is Most legislative work in congress is performed by who?

Most of the legislative work of Congress is performed by The standing committees and subcommittees with jurisdiction over particular policy areas

Most of the legislative work of Congress is performed by?

the standing committee and subcommittees with jurisdiction over particular policy areas the standing committee and subcommittees with jurisdiction over particular policy areas

What are the top five most powerful Senate committees?

Appropriations is the most powerful, having jurisdiction over most federal spending. After that in no particular order: Finance (jurisdiction over nearly all revenue, bonded debt, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security), Armed Services (broad military powers), Judiciary (jurisdiction over administrative law, and holds confirmation hearings for all federal judicial nominees). After that, probably Foreign Relations, followed by whatever committees have jurisdiction over whatever are hot-button issues at that time.

Who uses joint-committees under the 3 branches?

The legislative branch uses joint committees. A joint committee is one where there is a combination of Senators and Representatives on the same committee. Usually, committees are created by each house of Congress separately and consist only of Representatives or Senators depending on which house create the committee.

What happens to a bill that passes both houses in exactly the same form?

Conference Committees: Congressional committees formed when the Senate and the House pass a particular bill in different forms. Party leadership appoints members from each house to iron out the differences and bring back a single bill.

Who studies bills and sometimes holds hearing to learn how interested groups feel about a particular bill.?

Legislative committees and sub-committees

Where is the most work done on legislation in congress?

The most important organizational feature of Congress is probably the set of legislative committees that do most of the work in the legislative branch. Committees and subcommittees hold hearings in order to research information about the particular bill they are investigating. The Committee Chairmen are very powerful in that they can determine what is and is not considered by the committees. There are three types of committees in Congress: standing, select, and joint.

Why Do you Have Committees In Congress?

to elect or appoint of some service upon a particular matter.

What is the main job of standing committees?

They deal with a particular area and study the bill to that area.