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They believe once saved always saved and you cannot lose your salvation once you are born again by the Holy Spirit. This is based on the scriptures. See John 10:27 through verse 30.

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They believe if you keep the faith, you will be saved. If you deliberately sin on a consistent basis, they believe you will loose your salvation.

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Q: What do conservative baptists believe about eternal security?
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Do Armenians believe like the Baptists do in Eternal Security?

Speaking as an Armenian, the answer is no. We do not believe in eternal security. We believe that a person can fall from grace and lose their salvation (2 Peter 3:17). I have heard all the classic arguments from my Calvanists friends as to why they believe we are eternally secure but for every argument they give me I can make a case for my position to dispute it. In the long run, I think we get to caught up on issues like this that really aren't essential. Even though I don't agree with eternal security, that does not keep me from having fellowship with my Calvanists friends. Nor should it keep us from working together.

What type of afterlife do Baptists believe in?

We believe that if you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, then you will go to Heaven where there is no sadness and you will be with God forever, but if you havent accepted Jesus then you go to Hell where you will burn in eternal flames forever.

Do Arminians believe in Eternal Security?

No, they do not believe in an unconditional eternal security, but they do claim to believe in a conditional eternal security. Which means your secure as long as you don't sin. but the problem with that view is that we all sin everyday, so that doesn't add up. The bible teaches eternal security, however, if you decide to once and for all walk away from God and give up your salvation, that's your choice, buts that's the only way a born again person could end up in hell. I've never met a Christian that wanted to do that.

Do Baptist believe in reincarnation?

No. Most Baptists believe that, upon a person's death, he/she goes to either heaven or hell, depending on whether or not they accepted the free gift of eternal life during their life on earth.

Does the Christian Church teach the eternal security of the believer?

Short answer: Some do. Long answer: Most "reformed" churches do, some Baptist do, Catholics don't, Lutherans don't, Presbyterian do. I think the concept is best understand in the history and context of other reformed doctrines, a good source can be found at

Should you believe in jesus or not?

You should believe in jesus as well as the scriptures , that is your choice , If you want eternal life and salvation or eternal hell.

Do vampires believe in eternal love?

yes the only way to sever the darkness is eternal love...7;0

What is the Eternal treasure Jesus came to bring us?

he can bring us eternal life, if we just believe

Does Islam believe in eternal life on earth?

No. Islam stands for an eternal life but not on earth. Islam says that the eternal life will either be in Hell or Paradise.

What are your rights from Jesus teaching?

Eternal life if you believe him.

Is there any eternal life tattoo?

Catholics believe its the cross. Celtic eternal life tattoo is a Celtic spiral.

What does eternal optimist mean?

eternal optimist mean just look bright side or you have a believe for log term.....