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They form landforms such as trenches, islands and volcanic mountains.

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Q: What do convergent boundarys form?
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How are convergent boundarys different from divergent boundarys?

convergent boundaries collide but divergent boundaries move away from each other.

Which of the boundarys can produce volcanoes?


What fault occurs at convergent boundarys?

A reverse fault

What type of plate boundarys form?

Trenches are formed at convergent plate boundaries involving at least one oceanic plate, where the more dense plate subducts under the less dense plate.

What do transform boundarys form?

they forn earthquakes

What type of boundary form a volcanic mountain range near a coastline?

They form on convergent boundaries.

What are compressional boundarys?

A compressional bounday is plate boundarys that are being compressed

What are three types of convergent plate boundarys?

Oceanic-Continental Convergence - Andean-Type - the Andes MountainsOceanic-Oceanic Convergence - Aleutian-Type - island arcsContinental-Continental Convergence - the Appalachian Mountains

Where do convergent boundary form?

convergent boundaries form when 2 plates collide, causing moutains to form over millions of years.

Where convergent plate boundary form?

convergent boundaries form when 2 plates collide, causing moutains to form over millions of years.

What is a specific example of what forms as a result of a shift in a convergent boundary?

at an oceanic to continental convergent boundary trenches and volcanic mountains can form. at an oceanic to oceanic convergent boundary trenches and volcanic islands can form. at a continental to continental convergent boundary fold mountains can form

What causes magma to form at convergent boundaries?

the mid ocean ridges cause the magma to form at a convergent plate boundary.