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Copperheads do NOT eat humans ! They don't grow anywhere near the necessary size to be able to consume a human being ! Like most snakes - they feed primarily on rodents.

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Q: What do copperheads eat other than human?
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No - they are not. They will only usually eat food they've killed themselves, and do not scavenge for food.

What the copperhead snake does not eat?

Obviously plants would be a good answer. Another would ususally be a bigger animal than itself depending on what it is. Copperheads dont really eat birds because most of the time, as you can guess, they cannot catch them. And they fersure dont eat fish either.

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No. Platypuses feed only on tiny invertebrates such as insect larvae, crayfish and annelid worms.

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Clams don't eat plant they eat human flesh and other human baby part HAHA JK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Just a little less than a human wants.

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YES!! because they can eat anything HUMAN too!

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They eat human nails they eat animal feces they also eat human dirt like (earwax, snot, etc.) fp