

What do cutworms eat?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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13y ago

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A cutworm is a enemy to gardeners. Because it eats any plants they are ghastly things.

The damage they can do is very bad they are known for chewing through stems near the soil line.

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What eats cutworms?

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The objective of controlling cutworms in tomatoes is just control cutworms in tomatoes.

How do you get rid of cutworms?

Cutworms can quickly eat their way through your favorite plants. To get rid of them, spray your plants with insecticide or pick the worms off and drop them in a bucket of soapy water to drown.

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there is only one so it is a moal i am not sure what type though

How do cutworms reproduce?

Cutworms are the caterpillar stage of certain species of moths. The mature moth will lag eggs in the soil or grass in the spring. In late spring or early fall the cutworm emerges and feeds on nearby plants. This cycle only occurs once a year.

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