

What do democrats believe about traditional marriage?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What do democrats believe about traditional marriage?
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What does the Democratic Party think about traditional marriage?

Generally, most Democratic party members who are married are in traditional marriages and are supportive of traditional marriage. But Democrats realize that families come in many forms and do not limit the idea of marriage to traditional sexual boundaries. Because certain governmental and societal benefits accrue to the historical "traditional marriage" Democrats are not people who object to other forms of marriage that are sought by large numbers of nontraditional supporters. As a result of this expanded vision Democrats are generally in support of gay marriage rights.

What do Democrats say about same-sex marriage?

Although there are some Democrats who oppose same-sex marriage, most Democrats now support marriage equality.In 2012, the official Party Platform of the Democratic Party included the legalization of same-sex marriage.

Buddhism marriage compared with Islam marriage?

In Islam, there is arranged marriage. In Buddhism, I am not sure but the traditional ways I believe is also the same because back then, traditional marriage was very common.

What do the Hausa believe about marriage?

Hausa believes that marriage is a traditional of prophet muhammad (peace be upon him)

Who were the democrats and what did they believe?

Democrats believe in the state bank.

What is it called when you believe in man and woman marriages?

Traditional marriage- Man and Wife .

What is the democrats' position on same gender marriage?

There is a full spectrum of views on same-sex marriage.Some Republicans believe the U.S. Constitution should be amended to prohibit same-sex marriage. That would nullify all same-sex marriages previously performed and prevent any state from permitting same-sex marriages in the future.Some Republicans believe same-sex marriage should be left to the states, but that same-sex marriages should not be recognized by the federal government.Some Republicans and Democrats believe gays and lesbians should have some of the same rights and responsibilities as marriage, but that their relationships should be called "domestic partnerships" and not be recognized by the federal government.Some Republicans and Democrats believe gays and lesbians should have the same rights and responsibilities as marriage, but that their relationships should be called "Civil Unions."Some Democrats believe that same-sex marriage should be left up to the states and that the federal government should recognize them legally.Some Democrats believe that the federal government and all states should be required to recognize same-sex marriages, but that states should not be required to permit same-sex marriages to be performed.Some Democrats believe that same-sex marriage should be the law of the land in all 50 states and overseas territories of the United States and that the federal government should recognize them legalYou are implying that there are only democrats and republicans in the USA.Views on same-sex marriage cross political boundaries. It seems people who are in favour of it do not.

Do Democrats disagree on gay rights?

Most Democrats believe in gay rights and believe in protecting gays against discrimination, most are firmly against the military's "Don't ask, don't tell" policy (which ironically was signed by a Democrat). But Democrats are split in their beliefs on gay marriage. Although most Democrats don't want there to be an amendment that defines marriage as between a man and woman, some of those same Democrats don't want gay marriage made legal mostly due to religious reasons. Practically all Demcrats support civil unions for gays.

What is traditional marriage?

A traditional marriage is when a man and a woman get married. Traditional marriages were the first kind ever recognized.

What is traditional marriage in Liberia?

tribual marriage

What do supporters of same-sex marriage people think about the traditional family?

Imitation being the sincerest form of flattery, supporters of same-sex marriage generally believe that marriage is such a great institution that everyone should have access to it.

Are democrats or Republicans pro life?

Democrats are pro-Choice. Republicans believe that even if you are raped you should be forced to have the baby.