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Spiders mainly. if you very carefully scrape the top off of a mud dauber`s mud nest you will find individual chambers. in each chamber they lay an egg and place a spider for the first meal of the young dauber upon hatching. they seal up that chamber and do it over and over. when the young dauber is born he eventually chews a hole through his chamber wall and leaves. if you have a spider problem don`t swat the daubers! daubers are docile creatures and will not chase you down and sting you when you get too close to their nest like other wasp varieties. spiders are important, too, for keeping the numbers of other insects in check. it`s nature`s system of checks and balances at work. they all play a vital part in the big picture.

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Q: What do dirt dobbers eat?
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Do dirt dobbers sting or bite?

No dirt daubers don't sting they are harmless to humans but the paralyze spiders . With there stingers . So if it lands on you don't freak if you don't want it on you than just push it / or wiggle the spot it is on . You can actually use your hand and smash the nest while the dirt daubber in it .

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Why in the world would you eat dirt?!?!

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The dobbers are cars :)

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why would you eat a dirt bike seriously get a life

What is the difference between dirt dobbers and and wasps?

Well, I reckon the main difference would be that the dirt dobbers are typically black and live in mud hives. Now when I cracked open their hives in my grannies basement inside were the skeletons of mostly spiders. The way I figure is they use their hives as storage facilities for food. A wasp on the other hand is usually yellow and black and of a fatter design than the dobber. Dobbers are typically skinnier. A wasp will live in a hive with several other wasps. The hive will mostly be used to store their larvae and not their food. Wasps are more aggressive and will sting you if you threaten them or their hive. I've never heard of anyone getting stung by a dobber. I've been around many and they seem pretty docile. So if you want to choose one as a neighbor, I'd go with the dirt dobber.

What do dirt dobers eat?

Dirt, I think.

Do cats eat dirt?

Cats do not eat dirt. However, cats do eat grass to regulate their digestive systems. Doing so they may get a little dirt into their system, but that does no harm. A little dirt does nothing.

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Why are you eating dirt

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no worms eat dirt there moth is made very small so they can only eat dirt