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To help people get better, doctors and nurses apply their knowledge of medicine, together with their expression of empathy and the application of modern medical techniques.

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Q: What do doctors and nurses do to help peopke to get better?
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Is any one out there to help people to stop smoking?

Well The nurses and doctors of the NHS are there to help and hope fully someone will come up with a better solution to help people stop smoking :).

Why is it important to have nurses?

To take care of patients and help them with everyday problems and also to help the doctors.

Who is somebody that help sick people?

Nurses, doctors, surgeons, paramedics, and a lot more.

Why doctors need nurses at work?

Doctors need nurses at work to assist them in the care for patients. Nurses help patients feel comfortable, in some cases they can prescribe medication and they check blood pressure, take temperatures and carry out blood tests.

Do internal medicine doctors need nurses?

Yes all Medical Doctors need nurses. Nurses are there to protect the best interest of the doctor and the patient. The are also there to help reduce the work load of the Doctor, they prep patients and materials and assist in procedures.

What job description for nursing?

Nurses help to care for patients, which they normally do under the direction of doctors.

What are considered some of the careers of the future?

Careers that are considered for the future are like doctors, nurses, and surgeons. People that help others become better and healthy. Jobs like police officers or firefighters.

Why does certified medical assistant exist?

Certified medical assistants are greatly needed for assisting nurses and doctors. They help facilitate patients, supplies for patients and small tasks requested by their superiors. Without them, the nurses and doctors would be more distracted from focusing on their work.

What exactly is the difference between nurses and doctors Who has a harder job?

Nurses have less training, make make less money, and work under the authority of doctors. It is doctors who make all the decisions. It is hard to say who has the harder job, but it is doctors who take most of the responsibility.

What job allows you to travel and see and HELP the world mainly the underdeveloped places?

Volunteers eg nurses & doctors. Also English teachers.

Are doctors and nurses heroes?

Yes they are because they help people who are very sick or hurt very badly. The only reason why or how doctors and nurses are called heroes because they save people from getting injured. They also help prevent people from getting more pain because pain are very dangerous and can hurt people very bad.

What is the difference between a docter and a nurse?

A doctor has more experience than a nurse. The nurse does not perform the surgery. The doctor does due to more educated knowledge and training. The nurse is there to help the doctor give the right tools for surgery, for backup, etc. They work in the same field, but in different categories.