

What do earthquake do to city?

Updated: 12/7/2022
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Q: What do earthquake do to city?
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Mexico City Earthquake of July 28, 1957

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An earthquake, which devastated Mexico City.

What was the name of the earthquake in Mexico City on 1985?

The "1985 Mexico City earthquake"

How hard does an earthquake hit a city?

Depends on the strength of the Earthquake, the distance between the center of the quake and the city, the kind of soil the city is built on and how well the city is built.

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The 1985 earthquake caused significant damage to Mexico City, Mexico.

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Where did the Mexico City earthquake happen in 1985?

Mexico city

Is it true seismic waves of an earthquake are greater closer to the surface of the crust near a city?

No, the location of a city is unknown by and irrelevant to the earthquake.