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Earthworms like soil better. Soil gets lots of moisture and hold food that the worms can eat. Sand on the other hand does not give them proper material!! So they like soil better:))Im just a 14 year old but i swear im right:) Were studying them in biology for some reason:) My girliefriend is better than yours:)) Shes rich.

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Q: What do earthworms like better sand or soil?
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Would an earthworm survive in the desert?

Earthworms survive in those parts of the desert where the soil has more moisture. They do not survive in dry sand or soil.

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What do earthworms do to soil?

They live there like we live on earth.

Would zucchini seeds grow better in plain soil or soil and sand combined?

That depends on what the soil is like. If it is clay soil with little sand in it, then they would benefit from it. The aim is for a loamy type of soil, which is in between the two extremes.

Will a plant gro beter in soil or sand?

Plants generally grow better in soil than in sand because soil provides more nutrients and water retention capacities. Soil also offers a more stable environment for plant roots to establish and grow. Sand drains water very quickly and lacks essential nutrients for plant growth.

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sand works better as it has tiny grain particles which make sand easy to pour, whereas soil has is much thicker than sand.

Why plants grow best in soil why not in sand?

because soil has more nutrients in it which is better than in the sand

Why do farmers like worms in their gardens?

Farmers only like some kinds of worms in their gardens: earthworms. Earthworms are good to have in your garden because they dig up the soil by eating it and then poop and it gives good nutrients to they soil. Also, their digging moves all the nutrients around and it provides for really good soil. This helps your plants grow better, faster, and stronger. You should look up earthworms on or

What is better to plant radish seeds in sand or soil?

It grows better with soil. Soil has more Nutrients. I've done some test on it Sand doesn't really grow at all with just play sand from what I've tested.