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It grows better with soil. Soil has more Nutrients. I've done some test on it Sand doesn't really grow at all with just play sand from what I've tested.

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Q: What is better to plant radish seeds in sand or soil?
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Is it better to plant radish seeds in clay or sand?

it is better in sand

How do you grow a radish?

Radishes are a great plant to grow, for they germinate real quick. It is common to mix a few % of radish seeds with carrot or parsnip seeds (much slower growing) so as to have an indication of where the rows of plants are. this aids weeding. Radishes come in a fair variety of shapes these days. Another trick with thse small seeds is to mix them with sand, as then they are planted less densely than they otherwise would.

Do seeds grow better in clay or sand?

Sand ofcourse

Do seeds grow better in sand or soil?

the black bean grows faster because the seed germanates faster

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Do plant grow better in clay or sand?

plants that like water grow better in clay and plant that don't like water grow better in sand. like cactus

How do you plant seeds in falling sand with wind?

You click on the seed option, then right click

Will a plant gro beter in soil or sand?

It depends on what plant you are referring to, as there are millions of plants out there; some grow better in sand, and others grow better in soil.

Canplants grow better in topsoilclayor sand?

It depends on what type plant it is.

Is there a simple experiment to find out if seeds grow better in clay or sand?

Yes. Try them in both.

Why would a plant grow better in top soil then clay and sand?

Because soil has nutrients that clay and sand don't have

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