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They develop dark horizontal lines the length of their bodies.

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Q: What do female bettas do when then want to mate?
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Related questions

Why do male bettas fight?

because it is territory or maybe if they both want to mate the same female they will fight and the winner goes to the female if she allows it

What fish are compatible with male bettas?

Betta's are pretty good with other fish, it's rare that they will fight, maybe with other betta's

Your bettas have made a bubble nest what happens next?

the female will get fat then they will mate

Can Female and male bettas share a tank?

Unless the female is ready to mate, you should keep a divider between them.

Can a male plakat betta fish mate with a regular female betta fish?

Yes all bettas can mate with other bettas. " regular betta fish" there are different types and they can all breed together.

Can a male betta mate with two female bettas?

yes, he can wait apx 16 days after first breeding

What are the ways that bettas mate?

spawning embrace

Can female bettas be put with other female bettas?

Yes,but those betas can not have baby's together!

Can female baby betta be with another female baby betta?

Yes. Female bettas of all ages can live safely with other female bettas. Female bettas, unlike males, are not violent. Actually, they are quite docile and calm.

Can a crowntail female betta mate with a halfmoon male betta fish?

Yes, crowntail females can mate with halfmoon males, and vice versa. Any type of betta can mate with any another type. Veiltails with halfmoons, deltas with crowntails, etc. But most people prefer to breed bettas with their own type because they plan to sell them, and most people don't want "mutts". They can also keep the coloration, finnage, and physical characeteristics of the betta type. It is much easier to sell these purebred bettas. If you planning on breeding the crowntail and halfmoon and selling, I highly suggest that you reconsider this. Get a two quality bettas (same type) from a good breeder. Enjoy your fish!

Why do betta fish mate?

to make more bettas

Do girl betta fight each other?

NO female bettas do not fight each other