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Q: What do fire fighters yous to put out fires?
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How does a fire department work?

fire fighters put out fires and save lives

What are the impacts of bush fires?

fire fighters put out bush fires.

Why can't the normal extingusher cannot put out forest fire?

Forest Fires are to big for a normal fire extinguisher. It is better if fire fighters do the work to put out the forest fire, rather you trying to do it.

Why it is difficult to build a fire with damp wood?

Because water and fire don't work well together. This is why fire fighters use water to put out fires.

Which gas do fire fighters use?

firefighters use carbon dioxide to put out fires.

Will all types of fire extinguisher bottles put out all categories of fires?

Not all fire extinguishers will put out all fires. You must check your fire extinguisher to make sure that is equipped for all fires since different fires must be put out different ways.

What do fire- fighters use to put out an aircraft fire?

Water and foam

How to use an apostrophe for fire fighters?

"My son liked to play with a fire-fighter's helmet" and "It was the fire-fighters' opinion that the fire could be put out" (several of them) and "it was the fire-fighter's opinion that the fire could be put out" (just one with an opinion).

What is the purpose of the fire extinguisher?

To put out a fire...

Who put out V ictorian bushfire?

Fire fighters

What does a fire services officer do?

put out fires

What should you put on a fire?

You should put different things on a fire depending on what is causing the fire. Water is good for fires with nonmetallic combustible sources such as paper or wood. For electrical, grease, or metallic fires you will need fire extinguishers made for those types of fires.