Well, isn't that a lovely question! Garbage collectors and firefighters are typically hired by the local government, option B. They work hard to keep our communities clean and safe, so it's important to appreciate their dedication and hard work. Just like painting a beautiful landscape, it takes a team effort to keep our neighborhoods looking their best.
Why do firefighters need to know the rates at which water comes out of fire hydrants?
By knowing the flow rates of fire hydrants in the area, and the residual pressure, firefighters can determine the maximum fire flow available.
The size of a fire determines the amount of fire flow necessary to extinguish the fire.
GCSE you need to become a firefighter?
To become a firefighter in the UK, you typically need a minimum of five GCSEs at grades 9-4 (A*-C), including English, Maths, and Science. These subjects are essential as they provide foundational knowledge and skills required for the role of a firefighter. Additionally, some fire services may have specific entry requirements or preferences, so it's important to research the specific requirements of the fire service you are interested in joining.
How many smoke-jumpers are there in the USA?
There are approximately 400 smokejumpers in the USA. Smokejumpers are highly skilled firefighters who are specially trained to provide rapid response to wildfires in remote areas by parachuting into the fire zone.
What was the biggest fire and how many people died in it?
The deadliest recorded fire in history was the Peshtigo Fire in Wisconsin in 1871, where an estimated 1,500-2,500 people died. However, the Great Hinckley Fire in Minnesota in the same year also claimed many lives, estimated between 400-800 people.
How much fire can 1.25 gal of water put out?
The amount of fire that 1.25 gallons of water can put out depends on various factors such as the size and intensity of the fire. Generally, 1.25 gallons of water might be able to extinguish a small fire or help control a larger fire until more water or additional firefighting measures can be deployed. It's important to note that using water to fight fires should be done cautiously and in accordance with safety protocols.
Is it possible to start a fire with a tazer?
No, it is not possible to start a fire with a taser. Tasers deliver an electric shock, which can cause pain and temporary paralysis, but they do not create sparks or generate enough heat to ignite a fire.
What type of foam is used to extinguish a polar solvent fire?
Alcohol-resistant foam is typically used to extinguish fires involving polar solvents, such as acetone or methanol. This type of foam forms a barrier between the fuel and the oxygen in the air, smothering the fire and preventing reignition.
Aircraft can drop water directly onto active fire areas, helping to extinguish flames and cool down hotspots. This can supplement ground-based firefighting efforts and reach inaccessible areas. Additionally, it can help to create fire breaks and prevent the fire from spreading further.
What does PASS stand with fire?
PASS stands for Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep, which are the steps to follow when using a fire extinguisher in the event of a fire. It is a common mnemonic to remember the proper technique for using a fire extinguisher effectively.
How many live SmokeyBears have there been?
Smokey Bear is a fictional character used to promote fire prevention. The character has been portrayed by multiple different bears over the years, but the concept remains the same.
Why buckets containing sand are kept ready at petrol bunks?
Buckets containing sand are kept ready at petrol bunks as a safety measure in case of a fuel spill. Sand can be quickly spread over the spilled fuel to absorb it and prevent it from spreading further. This helps to reduce the risk of a fire or explosion.
Will an unlit match in a pile of leaves start a fire?
It is possible for an unlit match in a pile of leaves to start a fire under the right conditions, such as if there is dry foliage and the match is exposed to heat or a spark. However, there are many variables that can affect whether the match will ignite the leaves, such as humidity levels and wind.
What is hot and cold at the same time and a place where a firefighter cannot win?
The answer is "hot and cold faucet." A firefighter cannot win in a "house fire" as their goal is to save lives and property, not destroy them.
When vapor pressure equals atmospheric pressure at the surface of a liquid it has reached its what?
When the vapor pressure equals atmospheric pressure at the surface of a liquid, it has reached its boiling point. This is the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to the pressure exerted on it by the surrounding atmosphere, causing the liquid to change into vapor.
What is it that is in the water that is used to put out fire?
Water helps to put out fires by removing heat from the fire, which helps to lower the temperature of the burning material below its ignition point. It also can suppress flames by acting as a barrier between the fuel source and oxygen in the air.
Is there a gas other than oxygen that can fuel fire?
Oxygen is not a fuel for fire; it is the oxidizer. You can substitute a different gas for oxygen such as chlorine, fluorine, or dioxygen difluoride. You can also use solid oxidizers such as potassium nitrate or ammonium perchlorate.
Why should you not use the safety shower to put off the fire on the clothing?
Using a safety shower to put out a fire on clothing can actually spread the flames due to the water helping the fire to grow. Instead, one should stop, drop, and roll to smother the flames or use a fire blanket to extinguish the fire without further fueling it.
A Class C fire involves energized electrical equipment such as appliances, motors, and transformers. Water cannot be used to extinguish this type of fire, as it can conduct electricity and pose a risk to the individual attempting to put out the fire. Special extinguishing agents, like carbon dioxide or dry chemical powder, are typically used to combat Class C fires.
Do you use CO2 to extinguish Liquid Fire?
No, using carbon dioxide (CO2) to extinguish liquid fires is not typically recommended. CO2 is more effective for electrical fires or fires involving flammable gases. For liquid fires, it's usually better to use foam, water, or dry chemical extinguishers.
How do free radicals work in a fire situation?
In a fire situation, free radicals are highly reactive atoms or molecules that can initiate and propagate the chemical reactions involved in combustion. They react with surrounding fuel sources, causing a chain reaction that leads to the release of heat and light. These reactions contribute to the rapid spread and intensity of fires.
Where was Smokey the Bear rescued from?
Smokey Bear was rescued from the Capitan Gap fire in the Lincoln National Forest in the Capitan Mountains of New Mexico. Smokey had climbed a tree to escape the fire, but his paws and hind legs had been burned.
What can be used to extinguish a fire at a gas station?
Fire extinguishers containing dry chemical powder or carbon dioxide are commonly used to extinguish fires at gas stations. It is important to never use water on a gas station fire because it can spread the flames. In case of a large fire, it is best to evacuate the area and let trained firefighters handle the situation.