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Practice, Maintain the equipment. Fire hoses must be rotated and cleaned to keep it serviceable. Apparatus must be checked. Every morning the engines and pumps are tested at the beginning of the shift. A dispatched will usually handle logs and calls of all types. training and study is a way of life in the station. Some stations prepare their own meals. General house keeping is done by the firemen. Many stations have some sort of recreation court like basket ball. It is a very busy way of life.

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Q: What do firefighters do at the fire station?
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What is the symbol for a fire station?

the symbol for a fire station is either a dalmation, a firefighters hat, the firefighters cross, or a firetruck.

What happends if there is a fire in a fire station?

The firefighters fight the fire (if they are there). If the fire is when the firefighters are on another fire the next closest fire company is called to put out the fire. Several fire stations have caught on fire. Fires at a fire station are usually caused by firefighters cooking and when they get called to an emergency they forget to turn off the stove or oven in the excitement.

What happens if a firefighter station catches on fire?

another firefighters will come

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The firefighters at you local Fire Station should know

Where do firefighters eat at?

Fire fighters eat in the station house or they all will go out in the firetruck to a restaurant together.

Where do the firefighters spend their time?

Firefighters spend their time at fire stations when they are not responding to emergency calls. At the fire station, they may conduct training, perform maintenance on equipment and vehicles, clean the station, and participate in physical fitness activities. They also use this time to rest, eat meals, and prepare for potential emergencies.

Where do firefighters get oxygen tanks?

Firefighters typically get oxygen tanks from their fire department or fire station. These tanks are filled with compressed oxygen and are essential for providing breathable air to firefighters in hazardous or smoke-filled environments.

Where do firefighters work?

Firefighters work on scenes of emergencies. When they are not on calls, they will stay at their station or either at their personal homes. Most firefighters are volunteers, so they will do their normal daily tasks until a call is received.

Do only firefighters put out California fires?

When you put 'only' after 'Do' it really confused me... but no. Only firefighters from that city puts out that fire that's in that city. such as Chicago IL for example, only the firefighter station from Chicago puts out Chicago and their fire. If that's what you meant. Hope this helped!

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