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Q: What do fox pups eat in captivity?
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What do foxes eat in captivity?

A fox in captivity needs a lot of protein to eat. Feed them mice, rats, and other proteins. They also need fruits and vegetables.

What do Arctic fox pups eat?

They can drink the mother's milk or the mother brings food for them

How many pups do artic fox have?

4 to 25 pups

Does the Arvtic fox eat ringed seals?

The Arctic fox preys on ringed seal pups when the young animals are confined to a snow den and are relatively helpless.

Do wolfs eat foxes?

yes, but only if the fox attacks the wolf's pups or makes claims on it's territory.

How long does a fennec fox carry its pups?

Gestation is usually between 50 and 52 days, although there have been 62 and 63 day gestation periods reported from foxes in captivity.

How many pups do sea lions have?

1 in the wild 2 in captivity

What are Arctic fox babies called?

Like other fox babies, Arctic fox babies are called kits, pups or cubs.Young of Arctic foxes are referred to as "kits" or "pups".

Can you play with a fox?

Only if the fox has been raised in captivity. A wild fox will have no desire to play with you.

What is the lifespan of the giant golden crowned flying fox in captivity?

what does a giant golden crowned flying fox bat eat.

What do fox offspring look like?

The proper name for baby foxes is kits. Sometimes they are called cubs or pups.

What are baby fox are called?

The babies (otherwise known as offspring) are called "kits", many people call them "pups" wich is improper way of calling them, so call them "kits" next time you're talking about them!